DIY Tutorials — Hearts
Make Your Own Buffalo Check Wood Heart- DIY Valentine's Decor
Posted by Katie Bench on
Make Your Own Buffalo Check Wood Heart- A fun DIY Valentine's Decor that is Fun & Simple to make! Choose any pattern of Scrapbook Paper to apply to your heart... the possibilities are endless. Gather your Supplies: MDF Wood Heart from Buffalo Check Scrapbook Paper Pencil/Pen Scissors Wood Glue or Mod Podge SandPaper Sponge Brush ~ Click here to get your own Wood Heart Step 1: Trace the wood heart on the back of your scrapbook paper. Step 2: Cut out the tracing with the scissors. Step 3: Apply Mod Podge...
DIY Painted Wood Hearts- Valentine's Day Craft
Posted by Katie Bench on
DIY Painted Hearts for Valentine's Day

DIY Tutorial - Painted Hearts for Valentine's Day